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Please Note

Members should bring a valid membership card to all meetings and trips.

Important Information

Please note it is the responsibility of members and non-members taking Friends of Highgate Brewery trips to arrange their own insurance cover. The organizers will do all in their power to ensure arrival on time for events, but cannot be held responsible for circumstances outside their control. Wear suitable footwear for brewery visits, the buildings may be several stories high with no lift, and floors are often wet and uneven, so touring such buildings is not recommended for persons with disabilities or heart conditions. Any person not wishing to accept the risks involved may wait on the coach or any other suitable location advised by the brewery. If due to unforeseen circumstances the trip is cancelled by the host brewery, the organizers reserve the right to substitute an alternative trip either to another brewery and/or city.

Friends of Highgate Brewery do not support excessive drinking; it can make you a liability to yourself and others. Know your limit.

When you take a coach trip, it is important for your own safety when the vehicle is in motion, to remain seated, have the armrest in the horizontal position, and use the seat belt. Take extra care when entering or leaving the vehicle. Please request assistance if you need it. Please make a note of the emergency phone number and coach departure times. You must be at the collection point 5 minutes before departure, to allow time for loading the coach. If you are late, due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. illness, accident, etc. contact the emergency phone number ASAP. ( before the departure time ). Departure times are set to take into account a number of factors, including the legal driving hours of the driver, and to allow people to catch public transport. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee to wait past the stated departure time. Latecomers missing the coach will have to make their own way home at their own expense.

FoHB Social Committee

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The UK Chief Medical Officer recommends no more than 14 units per week.
14 units = 6 pints of beer.

What is an alcohol unit?
One unit is 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol

For more information go to https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/